Doc’s Friends, Inc., is a 501c3 non-profit board managing the operation of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress known as Doc. Doc is a B-29 Superfortress and one of 1,644 manufactured in Wichita during World War II. It is one of only two remaining B-29s that are still airworthy and flying today. The mission of Doc’s Friends is to HONOR the men and women who sacrificed so much for the freedom of others, including those who designed, built, maintained and flew the B-29 during and after WWII. CONNECT people with the rich heritage of the B-29 and allow aviation enthusiasts to experience the thrill of a B-29 up close. EDUCATE today’s and future generations on the contributions of the Greatest Generation during wartime.
Meet Our Board Members

Jeff Turner
Chairman & Founding Member

Lynn Nichols
Treasurer & Founding Member

Jeff Peier
Legal Counsel & Founding Member

Josh Wells
Executive Director & General Manager

Sam Frey
Hangar Committee Chair

Brad Gorsuch
Founding Member

Tony Mazzolini
B-29 Doc Project Originator

Jim Murphy

Ron Ryan
Founding Member

Mark Paolucci
Founding Member

Molly McMillin

Alan Young
Founding Board Members
Founded in 2012, a team of dedicated Wichita aviation enthusiasts gathered to do three things: Find a way to complete the restoration of B-29; then operate the warbird as a flying museum around the nation; and third, build a permanent home for B-29 Doc that would provide a place for the Doc volunteers to maintain and operate the aircraft, while giving the public a place to see the Wichita-built historic B-29 up-close and personal. We are forever grateful to these members who served on Doc’s Friends, Inc.’s board of directors with the other founding members (as noted above), who had a vision and worked tirelessly to help get B-29 Doc restored and a permanent home built. These founding members still serve as close advisors to our team, and remain at-the-ready to assist in our continuing mission and will forever be members of Doc’s team.

Tom Bertels

Jack Pelton

Tim Buchanan

Charlie Chandler

Steve Clark
Kickstarter Supporters
Abigail Higgs
Adam Demaree
Adam Dillaplain
Adam Fast
Adam Kee
Adam Smith
Alan Mattern
Alaska Super Stol
Alex and Hilary Gerard
Alex Curtis
Alexander E. Murray
Alicia Bassett & Robert Fliege
Allen Seldon
Allison, Alex, and Henry
Alora Kay Stevens Finch
Alton K. Marsh
Alvin Sowers
Amy Reams
Andreas Georgiades
Andrew Bann
Andrew H. Schmidt
Andrew Lausen
Andrew Martin
Andrew Rodriguez
Andrew Svoboda
Andrew Theiss
Andrew Thomson
Andy Carneal
Andy Halsey
Andy Harlott
Anthony Ferraro
Anthony Melvin
Anthony Middleton
Antonio DaSilva
Antonio deBarros
Arnold Taube
Arthur Meadows
Austin Hillard
Austin Seely
Baard Eilertsen
Baird Campbell
Bakker Family
Barry Reed
Barry Tod
Barton Bycroft
Beau E. Gros
Ben Andrew Fulton
Ben J. Butler
Bert Stewart
Betty J. McGarry
Bill & Mae Smith
Bill Dunphy
Bill Foy
Bill Hencke
Bill Jackson
Bill Kempthorne
Bill Miller
Bill Thomas
Bob Garten
Bob LaMontagne
Bob Raczkowski
Bobbie and Christopher Kroetch
Boyd A Davies Jr
Bradford G Marthens
Bradley Hawthorne
Bradley Hokanson
Brendan Polk
Brent Liberati
Bret and Taylor Secondi
Brian and Amy Stockton
Brian Cowdrill
Brian D. Cobb, MSG, USA (Ret.)
Brian Evans
Brian Heron
Brian K Pettit
Brian Myers
Brian Nylaan DDS
Brian P Irwin
Brian Rukes
Brian T. Coleman
Brian Von Bevern
Bruce A. Mohler
Bruce and Vicki Cooper
Bruce Soule
Bryan E. Stewart
Calvin Harris
Cameron Herrick & Family
Capt Jack Drappier
Capt. William P. Hanson
Carissa Palacioz Domebo
Carl Enter
Carlos Ingram
Carrie Rasberry
Cary M. Pierce
Casey Bird
Chad J Wise
Charles A. Talbott
Charles D Murphy
Charles Keller
Charles M. Kersey
Charles Parker
Charles Prettyman
Charles R. Dodrill
Charles T. Betz
Charles Viola
Chris & Greta Perleberg
Chris Allison
Chris Cushing
Chris Eastman
Chris Haywood
Chris Hewitt
Chris Saddlemire
Chris Smallman
Christie Bertels
Christie Marie Albertson
Christopher Iwan
Christopher M Segot
Christopher Martz
Christopher Nelson
Christopher Ulm
Chuck and Karen Ellis
Chuck Hybl
Clay Keithley
Cliff “tootawl” Andrews
Cliff Andrews
Clifford A. McKenzie
Coenda Maurizio
Col Robert Kraus
Connor Madison
Cooper & Riley Atkinson
Corey Dail
Corey Kleiman
Cory Jenks
CPT Jose J Clavell, USAR (Ret.)
Craig A. Steiner
Craig Batson
Craig Kirkpatrick
Curlee Ware
Curtis & Debra Engelbrecht
Cynthia Drescher
D. William Neal
Dale & April Marek
Dale Alter
Dallas Grimm
Dan & Polly Broyles
Dan Dickgrafe
Dan Johnson
Dan Katiba
Dan Sweigard
Daniel E. Attilio
Daniel Gallagher
Daniel Keller
Daniel Ruggiero
Danielle Fetsch
Daoud F.
Darren Paul Bradford
Daryl L. Hosler II
Dave Ahlberg
Dave Dettmann Jr.
Dave Franson
Dave Peterson
Dave Swertinski
Dave Young
David A. Benak
David and Cindy Odegard
David Borgwardt
David Drury
David Hernandez
David Hume
David John Campbell
David L. Battaglia
David Lips
David Nichols
David P. Anderson
David Romere
David W Stover
Dawn and Ross Rogers
Dawson Wisler
Dean William Bartlett
Debbie Gann
Deborah Long
Dench Family
Dennis & Janet Stuck
Dennis & Kim Derr
Derek Richardson and Jennifer Sparlin
Derward Brooks
Devin Brown
Didier Campion
Don & Lisa Barry
Don Brindley
Don Dillman
Don Hull
Don R Larson
Don Robertson
Donald L. Voyles
Doug and Jenine Wright
Doug Liebert
Douglas Birkey
Dustin Boontheekul
Earl O’Bannon III
Ed Greene
Edmund Rochford
Edward L. DeBolt
Edward Rakowski
Ellis Coombs
EMC Custom Shop Fuel Cells
Emil Radtke
Eric Dowd
Eric Gerhardt
Eric Guerber
Eric Oberstadt
Eric Zoller
Erik Gutfeldt
Ernie Ganas
Falor family of Carrollton, Texas
Felix Flight Services
Fletcher Bonds
Florian Bittner
Frank J. Beyer
Frank Magnusson
Frank Scholer
Franklin C. Berry
Fraser Reid
Fred Barrett
Fred Greene
Fred Mayo
Fred Wicke
Frederic Forrest
Fredrik Haglund
Frigyes Mano Barkovics
Fritz Knoll
Gano Family of Lindale Texas
Garrett Viets
Gary and Makayla Humphreys
Gary Baker
Gary Carrillo
Gary Hess
Gary Knaust
Gary M. Lowe
Gayle & Cy Nobles
Gene O’Neal
George Calvi
George Evans
George Haynes
George Hensarling
George Sholl
Gerald “Jerry” McMullen
Gerhard Sliwa
Gerhardt Family
Glenn Eubanks
Globe Engineering, Co., Inc.
Gordon A. Williams
Gordon Brennfoerder
Gordon Vieth
Graham Shevlin
Greg Bryant Sr.
Greg Keeling
Greg Van Buskirk
Greg Walker
Gregory J. Nemeth
Guido Tesi & Robert Eichkorn
H. Lee Griffin
Hal & Muffy Bryan
Harold Roesler
Harry Neale
Harry Ohlig
Holly Krull and Family
Hugo Smelten
Ian Heritch
Ian Hinks
Iron Wings
J. B. Jones III
J. Michael Lea
J. Seilback
Jack Dryden
Jack Walrath
James A. Baumann
James Cox
James S. Christy
James Sobolewski
Jamie Corndogg Qunell
Jamil Malone
Jared K Sprole
Jarno Peschier
Jason E. Ruggles
Jason Mateo
Jason Siebert
Jason Smith
Jason Tomlinson
Jay Hersey
Jay Young
JB Aviation, LLC
Jean Aker
Jean-Philippe Ferré
Jeff & Stacy Smith
Jeff and Autumn Garrison
Jeff and Joey
Jeff Anderson
Jeff Deitering
Jeff Hansen
Jeff Harders
Jeff Howards House
Jeff Miller
Jeff Morey
Jeff Napoli
Jeff Reinhardt
Jeff Rockwood
Jeffery W. Boundy
Jeffrey D. Peier
Jeffrey Maciej
Jeffrey Wedding
Jenny Higgs
Jeremy Schotter
Jerry and Debbie Larsen
Jerry Dunnet
Jerry Prindle
Jesse Hinchey
Jim and Rhonda Bevilacqua
Jim Hughes
Jim Monroe
Jim Newport
Jim Schippert
Jody Bowers
Joe Dickhudt
Joe Fulton
Joe McDonagh
Joel Steverson
Joey Martin
Johanne Pachankis
Johannes Sauset
John & Ruta Frew
John & Pam Schott
John & Ruta Frew
John B. and Susan D. Killian
John Bormes
John Burnham
John E. Merrigan
John Jacoby
John M Ford
John M Thornton
John M. Kelly
John McCune
John Price
John R. Moczygemba
John Roberts
John Shark
John Sokol
John T. Law
John W Berg
John Ware
John Weber
John Wesley Keith Pepper
John Whyte for Elmer L. Hager, Jr, USAAC
Jon and Stephanie Cooke
Jon Kowing
Jon Wolff
Jonathan Ferraro
Jonathan Slavic
Jonathan Terberg
Jonathan Van Winkle
Jose L. Gonzalez
Joseph Bain
Joseph Loehr
Joseph Shipley
Josh Wells
Joshua Dunmyer
Julian Nott
Justin and Leah Jirik
Justin, Bobbi, Madeline, and Amelia Miner
Kansas Aircraft Corporation
Kay Sommerfeld
Kazuo Takei
Keith & Kevin Perry
Keith and Laurie Rogers
Keith Edwards
Keith H Cox
Keith O’Donnell
Kelly and Stacy Maclaskey
Ken Andersen
Ken Danisevich
Ken Keen
Ken Mercer
Ken Mist
Ken Neely
Ken Russell
Ken Smith
Kenneth Lamury
Kenneth Reichuber
Kerry Navara
Kevin Groeneweg
Kevin J. Black
Kevin Marstellar
Kevin Parks
Kevin Pullum
Kevin T. D. Emley
Kim & Charlotte Hackett
Kim Dahl
Kirby Ortega
Kirwan Family
Kit Cosper
Klaus Heddergott
Kristin Smaltz
Kristine and Robert Parrish
KuKanich Family
Kuracz Family
Kurt Weina
Kyle Bodnar
Kyle E. Martin
Kyle Koser
Landon J. Stephens
Landon Wilkey
Larry J. Wood
Larry Kindrick
Larry Korona
Lars Brandi Jensen
Lars Pedersen
Lasse K.K
Lathi de Silva & Paul Diefenbach
Laurence M. Rick
Lawrence M. Green
Lee Bobiak
Lincoln Gamble
Liz Babcock
Logan Eggers
Lorber Family
Lorenzo Dutto
Lot Seacat
Lowell Richardson
Lucas Scott Hutchings
Luke Metzger
Mack Revet
Marc Zdimal
Margaret E. Tribble
Maria Morrison
Mariusz Cichocki-Kaiser
Mark E. Appel
Mark Irons
Mark J. Shilobrit
Mark Louis DeNicolo
Mark Nagel
Mark Peycke
Mark Riddle
Mark Trace
Mark Ziegler
Martin Gallo
Martin J Filiatrault
Martin Moritz
Mathew Key
Matt & Rylan Ottosen
Matt Jackson
Matt St. James
Matt Stephens
Matt Werner
Matt Ziemann
Matthew Coote
Matthew Graen
Max Parkhurst
Medals of America
Melanie & Giuseppe Giovenzana
Melissa Mooney
Michael & Jamie Baltrotsky
MIchael & May Werner
Michael & Valarie Gomm
Michael A. Molzahn
Michael Beatty
Michael Bowker
Michael Boyd, Gerald Boyd
Michael D’Angelo
Michael Hartmann
Michael J. Kobb
Michael J. Thomas
Michael Jollay
Michael Kastelic
Michael Keith
Michael Lehrnan
Michael Mitchell
Michael Piece
Michael Rooks, David Rooks, James Rooks, Kayleigh Moran
Michael W. Trunko
Migues S Deguia
Mike & Kathleen Dillmon
Mike and Jen McGarry
Mike and Julee Freese
Mike Basten
Mike Curtis
Mike G Gochnauer
Mike Kwasnik
Mike Maylone
Mike McCartney
Mike Roia
Mike Rollinger
Mike Wingeier, Jerry Avery
Milner Family
Mitch Wright
Mitchell Hodges
MSgt. Charles W Thorn USAF/Ret
MSgt. Ward Staley Jr., USAF/Ret.
Nathaniel Hinkel
Neal Pfeiffer
Neal Stark
Nels Bruckner
Nelson Goforth
Nephi Thomas
Nicholas Meadows
Nicholas Williams
Nick Shanayda
Nicole Mooney
Norbert Young
Oskar Von Heydenreich, Jr.
Owen F Bassett
Owen Knottek
Owen Magdic
Pappy Boyington
Pat Renze
Patrick and Lyssa Howley Family
Patrick Freeman
Patrick Kraynick
Patrick O’Neal
Patrick Shuck
Patrick Sullivan
Paul “Tankmodeler” Roberts
Paul & Pamela Bush
Paul D. Robertson
Paul Diergaarde
Paul Gwaltney
Paul Hardin
Paul Hicks
Paul Kile
Paul Leitch
Paul Rau III
Paul W McSweeney
Peter A. Cash
Peter Herr
Peter I. Bruemmer
Peter Sferruzza
Peter Turner
Peterson family
Phil Michel
Phil Simonsen
Philip E. Butler
Philip Repp
Phillip Brownlee
Phillip Swann
Pohrman Family
Quentin Carnicelli
Ralph Lloyd
Randall E Shuck 1ST SGT USMC ret
Randy Czerwonka
Randy McClure
Ray and Carla Nierlich
Ray Davis
Ray Mansfield
Reuben Chandrasekharan
Rex and Candy Corbin
Rex Gruenwald
Rich Gross
Richard and Nancy Bereman
Richard Cooke
Richard Davis
Richard Fulton
Richard Helms
Richard J. Neil III
Richard Nabstedt
Rick and Brenda Weiss
Rick Gardner
Rick Gay
Rick Stuart
Rick, Cheree, Alex, & Andrew Dunbar
Ricky Charles
Rob Chatfield
Rob Fresh
Rob Koenig
Robert & Chris McHugh
Robert & Linda Bayless
Robert & Michelle Harris
Robert Arnold
Robert C Shropshire
Robert Donnelly
Robert Evans
Robert Farley
Robert Groh
Robert J. Smith
Robert Kellogg
Robert McMillen
Robert Muncy
Robert Murray
Robert Starnes
Robert W. Rogers, Jr.
Rod Schneider
Roger & Sherryl Hubble
Roger & Gloria Martin
Roger & Ingrid Whyte
Roger Cain
Roland and Anna Luke
Roman B
Ron and Charlotte Owens
Ron Thayer
Rory Westphal
Ross & Claire Meredith
Roy D. Nye
Rudy Reyna
Russ Uhls
Russell Groves
Rusty and Julie (Losik) Repp
Rusty Barnett
Ryan Burns
Ryan Garwood
Ryan J Opel
Ryan Lewon
Ryan Powers
Ryan Scott Green
S. Willis Wright
Sam Knecht
Sam Snell
Scott Church
Scott Johnson
Scott McClellan
Scott Quattrone
Scott Sarver
Scott Sleight
Scott Steiner
Sean & Brooke Maclaskey
Sean and Diana Larabee
Sean Daly
Sean Sims
Seely Family
Sergey Zharkov
Sergio Mello
Seth Marx
Sgt. Alex V. Wright
Sgt. Butelle Graham
Shane Clayton
Shawn Allen Smith
Shawn Harrison
Shawn Kirscht
Sheldon Fox
Shibo Fu
Spencer Lahr
Stan Bergkamp
Stanley Woodson
Stephen “Hiroshi” Wykes
Stephen & Jenna Samuelian
Stephen Blankenship
Stephen Vallis
Steve & Connie Wade
Steve and June Visosky
Steve and Wilma Hart
Steve Brooks
Steve Glischinski
Steve Jantz
Steve Kajala
Steve Kurtz
Steve Prince
Steve Schapiro
Steve Sherwood
Steve Zimmermann
Steven Bergquist
Steven Chance
Steven Hicks
Sue and Fred Berry
Sullivan Higdon & Sink
Sunny Cool
Ted Ruel
Terry Charles Yeager
Terry Charles Yeager
The Gerhardts
The Kolbeck Family
The Stanmore Family
Theron P. Snell
Thomas Beck
Thomas Clark
Thomas Cruz
Thomas M. Lore
Tim & Shelley Thelen
Tim and Jan Miles
Tim and Morgan Bonnell Jr.
Tim Buchanan
Tim Levin
Tim Wiebe
Timothy E Scobie
Timothy Fields
Timothy J. Burton
Timothy Landwehr
Timothy S. Myers
Todd & Amber Crist
Todd Broughton
Todd Duhnke
Todd Erskine
Todd Gowen
Tom & Billie McDavitt
Tom & Jacque Fuller
Tom Barber
Tom Campbell
Tom Clinton
Tom Hutchison
Tom Manzke
Tom Murphy
Tom Reed
Tom Smith
Tom Svircev
Tomasz _wi_cicki
Tony Guess
Tony Todd
Toshiki Nazikian
Travis & Annel Scates
Travis Millet
Trevor Josph Bradfield
TSgt Gregory Heuston
Turret Museum
Ty Wilson
Tyler & Kathleen Higgs
Tyler Gladman
Tyler M Barnett
Uresh Sheth
Van McLemore
VFW Post 6957
Victor White
Vince Endter
Vincent Conrardy
Vit Steiger
Wade Eagleton
Wade Gyure
Walter Wible
Wanda Flynn
Warbirds News
Wayne McPherson Gomes
Wes Wynn
Wesley Provines
Wessling-Resnick Family
William Danenberg
William E. Glass, Jr.
William Forsythe
William J Steele
William T. Hodges
William W Richards III
Winston William
Worth & William Ellison
Yancee Burchett
Zach Davis
Zach Jones
Zachary Griffith